User roles

Currently the PEP repository supports the process of collecting, producing and sharing research data obtained from study-participants:

Image with user roles

Implemented roles

The following use cases have been implemented based on this functional design:

Research Assessor (RA)

A Research Assessor is a person collecting data from participants. A Research Assessor must know the identity of the participant and knows all the (short) pseudonyms used in the data collection phase.

Monitor (auditor)

A Monitor is a person who audits the data collection process. The monitor has access to all the (short) pseudonyms used in the data collection phase, but not to the identifying data.

Data Producer (contributor)

A Data Contributor is a person who produces data from collected materials and tests, and who – after quality control and data pseudonymisation – uploads this data to the PEP data repository. A data producer has access to the (short) pseudonyms of the data involved, but not to the identifying information. Note: in case of derived data (data produced from data obtained from the repository), the Data Contributor can also have the role of Data analyst. In the case of derived data, the Data Contributor data is stored using the Participant Alias.

Data Analyst (researcher)

A Data Analyst is a person who is granted access to (a subset of) data from the PEP-repository. A Data Analyst can download and decrypt data to a data processing environment.

Data Administrator (DA)

The Data Administrator is a person responsible for maintaining the data catalog, and management of metadata such as columns, column groups, participants, and participant-groups in the PEP repository.

Access Administrator (AA)

The Access Administrator is a person who manages users, user authentication, user-groups and grants access for a user group to column-groups and participant groups. Access is granted based on formal requests by the data controller as defined by the GDPR.

Participant (data subject)

A participant is a person participating in a research project, providing personal data based on informed consent.

Data Controller

The natural or legal person who determines the purposes and means of the processing of personal data; In the case of research data this role is generally held by the Principal Investigator.