Authentication Server
OAuth2 Authorization Code Flow
The applications pepAssessor
and pepLogon
use the Authorization Code Flow of OAuth2 (RFC6749)
, with PKCE (RFC7636) to communicate with the authserver. This is described in the following sequence diagram:
box User device
participant PEP Client
participant Browser
participant Authserver
participant Keyserver
PEP Client->>PEP Client:Generate random Code Verifier <br />and Code Challenge = sha256(code verifier)
PEP Client->>Browser:Open<br />client_id=123&redirect_uri=<br />code_challenge=<<code_challenge>>&code_challenge_method=S256<br />&response_type=code
Browser->>Authserver:GET<br />client_id=123&redirect_uri=<br />code_challenge=<<code_challenge>>&code_challenge_method=S256&<br />&response_type=code
Note over Browser, Authserver: Authorize the user, e.g. via SURFconext
Authserver-->>Browser:Redirect to<<Authorization code>>
Browser->>PEP Client:GET<<Authorization code>>
PEP Client->>Authserver:<<Authorization code>><<Code Verifier>>
Authserver->>Authserver:verify:<br />Code Challenge == sha256(Code Verifier)
Authserver->>PEP Client:OAuth token containing:<br /><<subject>><<group>><<issued at>><<expires at>><<hmac>>
Note over PEP Client, Keyserver: End of OAuth2 Authorization Code flow
PEP Client->>PEP Client: Generate CSR containing<br /><<subject>><<group>>User
PEP Client->>Keyserver: <<CSR>><<OAuth token>>
Keyserver->>Keyserver: verify OAuth token hmac<br />sign certificate
Keyserver->>PEP Client: <<certificate>>
This leaves out how the user is actually authenticated by the authserver. See How we use apache for more details about this.