PEP's most basic C++ libraries have the following (inter-)dependencies. See below for more specific (i.e. dependent) libraries.

--- title: Basic library dependencies --- %% (Ab)using class diagram type because Mermaid has no separate type for dependency graphs classDiagram %% Utils class Utils { Boost::log + log_setup MBedTLS::mbedcrypto OpenSSL::Crypto xxHash::xxHash } %% Testing class Testing { GTest::gtest } Utils <|-- Testing %% Gui class Gui { Qt6::... rxcpp } Utils <|-- Gui %% Archiving class Archiving { Boost::iostreams LibArchive::LibArchive } Utils <|-- Archiving %% Versioning Protohash <|-- Versioning %% Proto class Proto { protobuf::libprotobuf } %% Serialization Utils <|-- Serialization Proto <|-- Serialization %% Async class Async { rxcpp } Utils <|-- Async %% Crypto class Crypto { MbedTLS::mbedx509 } Serialization <|-- Crypto %% Morphing class Morphing { panda } Crypto <|-- Morphing %% Networking class Networking { OpenSSL::SSL } Versioning <|-- Networking Async <|-- Networking Crypto <|-- Networking %% Application Versioning <|-- Application %% ServiceApplication Application <|-- ServiceApplication Networking <|-- ServiceApplication %% Httpserver class Httpserver { civetweb civetweb::civetweb-cpp } Networking <|-- Httpserver %% Structure Morphing <|-- Structure %% Castor class Castor { entities } Networking <|-- Castor Structure <|-- Castor

PEP's more specific (i.e. dependent) libraries have have the following (inter-)dependencies. See above for more basic (i.e. less dependent) libraries.

--- title: More specific library dependencies --- %% (Ab)using class diagram type because Mermaid has no separate type for dependency graphs classDiagram %% Serialization class Serialization { - see basic dependencies - } %% Crypto class Crypto { - see basic dependencies - } Serialization <|-- Crypto %% Morphing class Morphing { - see basic dependencies - } Crypto <|-- Morphing %% Networking class Networking { - see basic dependencies - } Crypto <|-- Networking %% Ticketing Morphing <|-- Ticketing %% Registration Server Morphing <|-- RegistrationServerApi %% Structure Morphing <|-- Structure %% Transcryptor Ticketing <|-- TranscryptorApi %% AccessManager class AccessManagerApi { Boost::random } Structure <|-- AccessManagerApi TranscryptorApi <|-- AccessManagerApi %% StorageFacility Ticketing <|-- StorageFacilityApi %% Auth Crypto <|-- Auth %% Authserver Crypto <|-- AuthserverApi %% KeyServer Serialization <|-- KeyServerApi %% Metrics class Metrics { prometheus-cpp::push } %% Server Morphing <|-- Server Networking <|-- Server Auth <|-- Server Metrics <|-- Server %% CoreClient AccessManagerApi <|-- CoreClient StorageFacilityApi <|-- CoreClient Server <|-- CoreClient %% Client Content <|-- Client RegistrationServerApi <|-- Client CoreClient <|-- Client AuthserverApi <|-- Client KeyServerApi <|-- Client

Server libraries and executable targets have not been graphed.